"We're talking about the quality of life for women. It's as simple as that," said Council member Yvette Clarke (D-Brooklyn) at the bill-signing ceremony.Women "have had to really endure sometimes degrading situations just trying to take care of their personal business," Clarke said.
Quality of life for women? Degrading situations? Yeah... how about, instead of using the law as a cudgel, forming a group to put financial pressure on the building owners to fix that problem--by not fucking going to their events?
It's called a God damn free market situation, people. You can decide 'hey, I don't want to go there anymore' and (hopefully) tell the powers-that-be why, and if enough people complain they'll fix the problem because it'll be cheaper than losing all the revenue.
Or you could be responsible. I know to take a piss before I go to the movies and not drink much while I'm there because I don't want to get up in the middle of my movie after I drank a large diuretic beverage (It's shocking how much better my body absorbs, say, Gatorade than caffeinated soda. Like 3x better, really.) If you know you're going to a baseball game at a park with poorly designed bathrooms, don't drink anything! Do we really need to coddle foolish behavior?
I understand that men are more efficient urinaters than women because it's a simple zip, whip, pee operation and the urinal is easily twice as fast as a stall jaunt, but once again, that's a problem to be addressed with the free market. Unless, of course, you really believe that people are stupid enough to need Nanny Gummint to explain it to them.
Hat tip to Ravenwood. He has some more good points over there.
Oh, the other thing I wanted to talk about: urinals in the home. See, I don't know about that. Sure, functionally it's a good idea because they're more water efficient and sanitary, but it seems super tacky to have a urinal in the home bathroom. As for water efficiency they already make toilets with multiple flush buttons (to control flush water volume) for different 'loads,' but that doesn't address the problem of unskilled aimers... Eh. I think it's a toss up. Maybe if they were more decorative and without exposed plumbing, I'd get one or two. Unobtrusive, perhaps in a corner that would be hidden by the open door, in a color matched to the bathroom--maybe faux textured? Sure, I can see that.