Something I run into frequently when debating the merits of various laws is the old 'if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear' line. Or someone will say 'oh, well I don't do that anyway, so I don't care that they restrict it.'
Well, to those folks, I give a hearty
How would you women like it if the government decided to strip you of suffrage and all of the men and the women who don't vote said they didn't care because it didn't apply to them?
How would you
feel if all the whites and other minorities said they didn't care you were being evicted from the country because it didn't apply to them?
How many of you that say you don't care will come crying to the rest of us, those you've been putting down and oppressing with your very indifference, when the government does something that DOES apply to you?
We have to stay united. I will fight for drug, tobacco, and alcohol freedom--despite the fact that I do no drugs, I do not use tobacco products, and I do not drink--if you'll fight for firearm and knife freedom. It's called a quid pro quo, and if you don't help me when I need help, I may just tell you to piss up a fucking rope when you come crying to me for help. Probably not, because I'm a nice guy... but I might. I get closer to that point every day.
Unity is a total pipe dream, because most Americans don't give a shit about anything beyond their own life and maybe some vague platitudes. I see that to be true, and I'd have to be real dumb to believe the government doesn't see--and utilize--it as well. Need I remind you of the nature of government? It is to acquire, hold, and build power within itself, not serve the subjects. Realize this: the agents of the government are not required to live within most of the laws the rest of us proles are. That alone should tell you a great deal about the JBTs* running this country.
*Jack Booted Thugs: The deragatory yet scarily accurate name for agents of the government, Federal especially, with a specific reference to the ATF (also FBI or DEA depending on the context).