Man At Arms
Thursday, June 09, 2005
The 'Hybrid Man'
Ok, so I'm not being original right now.

Check this out.

So, I'm confused a bit. Is this
"The masculine ideal is being completely modified. All the traditional male values of authority, infallibility, virility and strength are being completely overturned,” said Pierre Francois Le Louet, the agency’s managing director."
supposed to be a good thing? Frankly, I think they're delusional and separated from reality, because your average man in suburban America won't be wearing that shit-suit any time soon. Nope, the American Man is a jeans & t-shirt guy, and I don't see that changing.

I'm tempted to read Kim's Pussification of the Western Male essay right now. Oh hell, here I go. Join me, if you aren't familiar with it.

Authority, infallibility (wrong), virility, and strength. True authority, the authority imbued in the aura of a true Man, is natural. Infallibility is frankly a foolish value, because any true Man will be the first to admit when he has failed, to salvage the situation. Sitting on pride is not a characteristic of a Man. Virility? Boy, do I wish I was less virile! Right. Once again, a Man is de facto virile, because virile means to have the characteristics of an adult male! Strength? Apparently in Pierre's ideal future, men will be weak. Indecisive, impotent, emotional to a fault--non-Men.

You know what this sounds like to me? The pulings of a person who recognizes that he lacks the qualities of a true Man, and has come to despise his own shortcomings. In doing so, he has adjusted his reality--to maintain his own sanity--to view Men as archaic dinosaurs unfit for today's enlightened society. He chooses to use his influence, however exaggerated, to undermine them and try to establish his own vision of 'Man,' embodied, no doubt, by himself at the very core.

This is the same type of person who calls rural independent, self sufficient people 'redneck hillbillies' and calls our President a 'swaggering cowboy.' It is the same person who will call our soldiers morons that are better off dead, or spit on them and scream 'baby killers!' It is the person who would legally strip the rights of everyone to own weapons because he does not trust himself to do so. It is the person who asks 'but what about his feelings' just before acquitting the murderer because, after all, it wasn't his fault. It was Man's.

If that is a hybrid man, then a pox on them all.
- posted by Dave @ Thursday, June 09, 2005

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