Man At Arms
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Well I decided not to actually ban anyone because they're fun to piss off, but I did delete the comments. We'll see how persistent they are.

I call shit like I see it. I am dedicated to the truth, and if you are a woman and don't like what I have to say about women in general, well, too fucking bad. That's the way it is, and to pretend otherwise is foolish.

It probably would have bothered me once upon a time to have people rag on me. Not anymore. Like Acidman says, to blog you have to grow a cast iron ass. I long since stopped being politically correct, and I have no need for everyone to like me. Why should I? Being PC is one of the most basic societal problems we have. More on that later.

Oh, and by the way: if you don't fucking like what I say, fucking leave. I'm not shoving your face against the monitor, holding your eyes open with toothpicks and forcing you to read it. I do this for me, whether my close friends alone or the whole world reads it. I'm not changing for you.
- posted by Dave @ Tuesday, May 17, 2005

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