How fucking embarassing to realize you actually like a song by one of those pouty mussed blonde teenage boys? Holy shit. I was like
XXXX XXXXXXX? Who the fuck is that? when I looked up the song on WinMX, and when I got to the homepage and saw that thing looking at me... Christ, save me.
Then comes the question: what the hell is this kid doing singing a song like that? I was thinking early 20s black hip-hop artist every time I heard the song on the radio, not 14 year old white twerp. Yeah, it does matter somewhat; how weird would it be to see a, oh, Tibetan guy singing country?
On the subject... it's weak to just sing without any other musical talent and call yourself a musician like so many people do these days. A decent singing voice is natural to someone skilled with an instrument because singing is basically a function of your ear (to a point), so it's not impressive at all to have a naturally good ear and ONLY sing. Exceptions granted to truly amazing vocalists. My standards may be set high, however; I know many extremely talented musicians and I have been a very involved musician all my life, so just learning a dozen chords on guitar or singing in a choir is going to leave me shrugging a 'so fucking what.'