It's morning...
You might be surprised how many entries I decide not to post here. Well, maybe not, I suppose... but I probably write two or three for every one that I post.
There are many topics I wish I could write coherently about--in politics and law especially--that I just can't seem to properly express. A number of basic problems crop up, see: I might not feel I have enough knowledge to properly support my points, or I might not have a clear enough point in mind to begin with. Maybe I feel something is true or right but I can't adequately explain why, or maybe I'm trying to pick up a thread that I left off of three months ago and have a dozen answers at my fingertips without recalling the reasoning behind them. Even if I can say 'thus and such is true' and I am 100% positive I am correct I don't feel comfortable posting it without a solid explanation.
Well, I think that's the way things should be. There's no use thinking 'the right thing' if you're thinking it for the wrong reasons, or for no logical reasons at all. If you come up to me and make a statement, you should be able to support it with facts and logic; even if I agree with you, I'll probably ask you why you think it's true, and I'm not going to feed you my own reasons. It's called critical independent thinking, folks. A vanishing skill in today's society, it is: most all the people I know in my generation get really pissy and whiny when I challenge their statements, and most adults are about as good at defending their POV on 98% of the issues today as they are growing raspberry trees. What a sentence that was...
I'm cheating. I got out of my warming-up bed to write something fictional (and listen to music... I had the third Harry Potter soundtrack stuck in my head and it was distracting me from reading) and here I am writing on blogger. Lame, Dave, real lame. Five days ago I told myself I would write X (I was going to go by how well my first session went, though the theoretical number was three) pages per day no matter what, and so far I have a total of 0 pages. I fucking suck. I think I'm afraid to write because I know I'm nowhere near as good a writer as I once was and it's a lot easier to ignore that fact when I'm not
actually writing. Sigh.
Okay, I'm tired as hell, but I'm going to write 1500 words good or bad before I let myself lay back down. The sooner I start writing again the sooner I'll get through the bloody fucking awful story phase. I doubt I'll post again until late tonight (I have no clue if I'll be around for the Yankees game again, life intrudes), so have a good day y'all.