I lied...
Because I'm posting again before sleeping.
I was reading up on space stuff, like known planetary systems and galactic properties and junk.
...How the fuck can you look at the numbers and think it's even remotely possible we're all alone in the universe? The Milky Way Galaxy has, what, 300 billion stars in it? Let's say that only 1 in 1000 stars is a planetary system, and only 1 in 100,000 of those systems has a single Earthlike planet conducive to carbon based life. That means 3,000 such planets exist in our galaxy alone. Note I'm not saying that complex life will exist on them, merely that they exist. I personally think the numbers I quoted were grossly low, I might add.
How many other galaxies do we know of? A couple dozen? So tens of thousands of planets at the least exist in the known universe given my probabilities.
Life is out there.