Man At Arms
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Bad Saturday
I had a pretty crappy day yesterday. That's why I didn't really write anything last night; I knew it would be negative.

So let me explain what happened so you can feel sorry for me. First of all, my 1911 broke. Not a major problem: the magazine catch broke, which is a problem I've never heard of, but it ended my 1911 shooting because I wasn't going to load the gun one cartridge at a time. I was shooting well enough, though, about 5" groups at 20 yards. I was shooting into a big woodpecker hole in this dead tree in the woods because there were too many people around at the cabin to shoot there. I did recover one bullet, entirely intact except for the rifling.

The AR-180B has never been sighted in, and a half mile up a logging road I realized I forgot my leatherman so I couldn't adjust the front sight. No big deal, I figured I would shoot at 25 yards and make sure the windage (left and right) was correct. Well, no fucking dice. It was shooting 10-12 inches high at 25 yards! Dear lord. So I fired 29 rounds; the stupid magazine spring was too weak to properly position the 30th round for feeding, which pissed me off on top of everything else so I stopped shooting at that point. Six hours in the car total for less than 75 shots. Fucking brilliant.

After I got home my day went better. The Yankees kicked ass last night, winning 15-6 over Oakland. It was great! Four home runs, three of them multiple runs I believe. Jeter and Tino both got 3 run home runs and Posada got a two run homer, with the individual home run going to A-rod. A-rod made several errors in the game, though one of them got stuck in Tino (WTF). There were some other defensive mistakes, but all in all it was a decent game.
- posted by Dave @ Sunday, May 15, 2005

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