Yale Forons and Liberty
Apparently the Yale law academia is
rewriting the constitution. Via Ravenwood.
On the face of it, it seems like another self-aggrandizing stunt, and frankly I couldn't give less of a shit what these morons have to say. Then I caught that they hope to actually ratify a new constitution by 2020.
Excuse me?
Look, guys, you can mentally masturbate all you want, maybe even have a circle jerk if that's what you're into, but if think I'm going to take your communist agenda seriously... I can't decide if I want to go shoot some Soros portraits or just laugh. A lot.
In a way, I hope their plan works. They can try to implement a new constitution all they want, and in 2020 when I'm 35 and in the prime of my life, I can have a war of my very own to fight. It is my belief that the US is sliding toward implosion, and we are already a fucking parody of the vision of liberty and freedom we like the rest of the world to see.
If a communist agenda gains traction (it won't), it will hasten the cleansing. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of p
atriots and all that. I know most conversatives out there disagree, thinking we can still work within the system to regain our freedoms, but here I must say you guys are far too optimistic.
America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards. -- Claire Wolfe
I've said before that the only way we can regain our liberty is a revolution, and I stand by it. Do I want a civil war? Do I want a revolution? Given the option, no. The problem is there are no more options. There is nowhere else to run to, and the time for a stand is rapidly coming.