I do low light drills any place I'm going to be staying any length of time. I memorize the layout, including obstructions, I also know all openings, silhouette poinTs, entrances, and locations of all the weapons, and all the lights.Is it just me, or does that remind anyone else of the Punisher's apartment? Yeah, this one made me laugh out loud too, but I'm not going to say anything bad because my house will be just like that some day.
I keep a loaded weapon out of plain view, but easily accessible in every room at all times. I keep a loaded shotgun and a loaded pistol by my bedside, along with a small surefire, and a large maglight flashlight.
All of my defensive weapons except my 12ga have tritiums sights, including my AR; which also has a long eye relief illuminated reticle tactical scope, or a red dot on it at all times.
I'm actually looking to put a tritium ghost ring on my 12ga; it has rifle sights on it now.
I can find and operate each of these by feel, without any light, and they are always placed in the same spot every time; and in the same condition (generally loaded, chambered, on safe, but the long arms are kept without a round in the chamber).
I also have a portable high speed strobe; and a couple of flashbangs, and IR suppressive grenades in case I ever get hit by some asshole with an NVD. I know where those are at all times too.
I WOULD use NV, but I cant afford a Gen3A or better piece, and anythign less than that is actually more of a disadvantage than an advantage in my tactical environment.
Yes, I am overtrained.
I've said it before, the person who attempts to assault my home is in SERIOUS deep shit.