Man At Arms
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Naming firearms
I don't know how I feel about this. Or rather, I don't know how most people think of it, as I'm apathetic on the matter. I think it's fun to personify my firearms and try to find the name that I feel is right for the ones I rely on, but I don't necessarily like to talk about it with other people because most people just don't understand, and will think I'm crazy.

I feel a great attachment to a couple of my guns. My 1911 and I have bonded, you could say, because I keep it either within reach or on my belt constantly and it's the best pistol I've ever felt. The name that feels right for it (her) is Christine; I don't know why, really. So from now on I'll be referring to my 1911 as Christine.

The other firearm I feel something for is my Marlin 336RC. I don't have a name for it, but it feels masculine. I'll come up with something appropriate. My Remington 870 is too ambiguous for me to feel anything for; it's just a tool. I don't spend enough time with any of my other guns (except the plastic ones that never will get names because they're too cookie cutter) to be able to feel--or not feel--the attachment. When I do, I'll name them appropriately.

I might as well toss out some more gun porn while we're on the topic of guns. This is a rifle I could certainly feel something for:

She's a beaut alright.
- posted by Dave @ Wednesday, April 20, 2005

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