When we were in Ediburgh last year, The Mrs. tried to get me to try one on (as she had on a previous visit to Scotland).I love it over there.
NFW. No Fucking Way, to you webspeak illiterates.
1. I'm not Scottish. Not a trace of Porridge Monkey blood anywhere in the family.
2. I prefer to keep the boys well covered.
3. It would be a bit embarrassing, seeing as my gut would cover the fucking sporran.
4. Mosquitoes and chiggers, as Toad pointed out.
5. I'd have a permanent woody -- it's very sexy to let the boys swing free. Then you'd have the woody pushing the sporran up into the overhanging gut, and the chiggers... the whole situation would quickly fall apart.
No, it's just not a good idea in Texas. Maybe in Scotland.
For someone else.