Man At Arms
Monday, December 06, 2004
Night Driving
I drive around at night a lot, usually around 2-3 AM for an hour or two in the F-150. It's relaxing: I can drive around and think about stuff without worrying about traffic but still be occupied enough that I'm not bored.

Last night I had an interesting time driving--by last night, I really mean Saturday night, but my sleep schedule is royally screwed up. It was about 3 AM when I almost hit a hitch hiker on 31: he was standing almost in the right lane, and I didn't see him because of the glare from the traffic light 50 feet down the road until he was about 20 feet in front of me. I swerved and barely missed the moron. That's the second time I came within a foot or two of hitting someone at 50 mph at night on 31, because they were too stupid to stay the fuck out of the road in less than optimal visibility. 31 is the highest traffic volume road in the area other than the highway.

One of the neat things about driving around at 3 AM is all the wildlife you see. I usually see about a dozen deer and sundry smaller critters, but last night I also saw three foxes. That was a treat, because they're pretty rare around here, and they're one of my favorite animals.

- posted by Dave @ Monday, December 06, 2004

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