Man At Arms
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Open Source Novel... Kind Of
I think it would be very cool to write a novel with one or several other authors one chapter at a time, taking turns to write with no exchange of ideas between the participants. It'd be a totally unpredictable and stimulating exercise: there would be no planning ahead because you never could know when another author might decide your darling character needs to fall off a cliff or something equally tragic.

As for the quality of the story... I believe it could be either a total disaster or a spectacular success, without much middle ground. I also have no basis for that statement, it's just my instinct. Maybe someday I'll find someone to try it with, and find out.

Holy crap, it's four AM. 3.75 hours of sleep, here I come.

- posted by Dave @ Tuesday, November 16, 2004

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