Almost Over
I'm sick of this election. I started following this back when there were still 9 candidates in the Democrat primary, a long, long time ago. I'm going to vote for Bush today, because he's handled the WoT well and I hope next term he takes down Iran and NK too. There are plenty of things I don't like about Bush, but I think the elimination of a fanatical enemy takes precendence over the domestic issues. If you disagree, you're an idiot, because it's a simple equation: ignore fanatical enemy, US gets destroyed, oh wait the domestic issues don't matter anymore because our country is dead.
When I ask people why they're going to vote for Kerry and rarely get an answer besides 'I hate Bush,' they say something like I like his stance on the environment, or health care, or jobs, or whatever. I'm amazed they can somehow know what his stance is, simply because he's flip flopped on every one of those a dozen times
(maybe it's a top secret Democrat mind link), but otherwise, it's utterly foolish to vote for a man who, in reality, is going to bow out of the fight that we need so desperately to win.
One of my acquaintances who is in an ROTC program appears to be voting for Kerry as well. This is pretty astonishing, since she's already contracted and she IS going into the Army in two years, and she appears to prefer a repeat of Clinton as CINC to a man who has shown he is infinitely better in caring for the military. Kerry, unless he turns over some hitherto unimagined leaf, will gut our armed forces; his record clearly supports this. I believe Kerry will be much worse for the military than Clinton ever was.
I'll admit that most of the people I know that are voting for Kerry are my age, and most likely uninformed. I can't educate them because they don't give a shit about important issues and are content to believe the propoganda. 'Bush has ruined our country' eh? How? Economy is on the rise bigtime, we've done a great job in Afghanistan and Iraq, there hasn't been a single terror attack in the US since 9/11... I could go on, but those are the most pertinent examples. I'm not a fan of the Patriot Act, or some of his other domestic policies, but like I said before: we must defeat the enemy without before we can defeat the enemy within.
This experience has just cemented the idea in my mind that you should never vote if you're uninformed. If you can't come up with a better reason for voting for someone than you hate the other guy, don't vote. If you think it's a virtue to vote with your heart and not with your head, first go headbutt a concrete block, and then don't vote. If you're going to be an idiot in any way about the greatest civic responsibility you have, the whole country is better off if you don't worry your little head: just don't vote.
Oh, I'm going to make a prediction. Bush is going to win, and by a good margin. I'm not going to present any details, because I'm not well enough informed to do so, but that's my feeling. The evidence is there showing Kerry's desperation, and you can feel it in every breath the dying donkey takes. Ciao, donks.