Man At Arms
Monday, October 11, 2004
Round 3
I guess I'm ready to give this blogging thing one more shot. Sundry reasons are leading me to write here again, not the least of which was the dissolution of pretty much my entire life in the course of two weeks. As a result of that tragic series of events, I have loads of free time on my hands, and since I haven't written anything at all in a very long time... you get the idea.

There are also plenty of reasons I couldn't keep it going before, but mostly I suppose it was the feeling of redundancy. There are so many great blogs out there, many of them written by smarter authors than me, and better writers to boot. I don't know if I can add anything unique to the blogosphere, but maybe what I write will be interesting enough for someone to read it.

Some quick background on me: I'm 18 (19 in... 5 days), male, white, and upper middle class. Beyond that basic demographic information, I'm politically moderate but hard line conservative on the issues that matter most to me; a gun nut limited in his nuttiness by a lack of money and a lack of age (I'm mostly interested in pistols at this point, and living in the liberal bastion of NY, that isn't happening).

I plan on enlisting, though when is up in the air at the moment, and of late even which branch is undecided. I aspire to join the Army, and until lately I was planning on either shooting for an Option 40 11X contract (that would be the opportunity to go to Ranger School, if I ever made it that far, in case you didn't know) or an 18X Special Forces enlistment option. But now, it seems maybe I'd be better off enlisting in the Marines for 4 years and reenlisting in the Army to pursue my SF/Ranger goal. Only time will tell. Basically, it comes down to how much time and how many resources I have to put into my training; I'm not going to fuck up my only shot at ever trying to get into the Rangers just because I can't train myself effectively beforehand. Instead, I'll play my cards another way and preserve that precious chance for a more likely time.

- posted by Dave @ Monday, October 11, 2004

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