Man At Arms
Sunday, October 31, 2004
How We've Fallen

As I understand it, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, our nation was set up thus:
- The majority takes precedence over the minority, but the rights of the individual are protected.
- The government is only allowed to do what the Constitution says it can, and no more.
- The Bill of Rights is designed to protect the rights of the individual, as I said before, from the wishes of the majority; as such, they're supposed to be actually, you know, followed. They're not guidelines, they're rules. They're not privileges, they're rights, and what is not granted can not be taken away.

This is what's actually going on, generally:
- Minorities are granted vastly disproportionate political power and the silent majority is trampled. The individual takes it up the ass from everyone.
- The government does whatever the hell it wants, legal or not, and rarely does the government's own court rule against it. They frequently legislate from the bench, as well. We all love power, right?
- The Bill of Rights is meaningless and misunderstood. The government tramples the first, second, fourth, fifth, and tenth every minute of every day. Who knows how long it will be before the rest fall under the feet of the raging elephant and the hooves of the cranky jackass?

What do I think we should do? I'm glad you asked. I find it hard to believe that we can reverse the condition in a peaceable manner, much as I hate to say it. Let me clearly state that I am not advocating revolution or civil war, nor do I encourage violence except in defense. I do not believe we can win in the courts. I believe it will take some great upheaval to fix our problems. If I were King for a day, I know what I would do: I'd revise the Constitution to insert the pertinent civil rights, cut the amendments back to the original BOR and add one more amendment stating that the Constitution can't be fucking amended. Would that fix the problem? Probably not, because Jefferson surely had it right when he recommended watering the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Okay, so I paraphrased. There's a lot more to be done than simply rewriting laws; the biggest problem we face is that the government feels free to ignore its own laws, and is so corrupt throughout that there is no check but We, the People. It will continue to swell and the cancer of corruption will only grow deeper and more insidious. I truly pray it does not come down to a time when I must pick up my guns and fight, but should that day come, I'm ready and willing to lend my own blood to the tree of liberty.

- posted by Dave @ Sunday, October 31, 2004

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