Man At Arms
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Second to Last Post
Ok, this is my second-to-last post on this site. Blogger has been acting up the last few days and I got sick of it, so I'm starting up another site, with Hosting Matters, if you're curious. I'll tell y'all the URL and such when I get at least a basic setup going, but it might be a few weeks because I'm busy with school and I'll be spending a lot of time at the range burning through the ~10,000 rounds of ammunition I have stockpiled.

In the meantime I guess I'll just write my stuff on Word and post it all at once, when I'm up and running. Thanks for reading here, those who did.
- posted by Dave @ Saturday, March 12, 2005
Sunday, March 06, 2005
FEC Bullshit
So I have not had anything to say in a while. Blogging as a medium of expression is less to my taste than discussion in a forum, and I've been busy. Also, the limitations of this particular blog hinder me enough that half the time when I write I don't post. Now, however, I've found a new reason to blog.

See, the FEC seems to think it can tell me what I can and can not say on my personal webpage. They have it in their admittedly small minds to regulate the internet. Now, my generation is 85% full of slackjawed morons that don't understand the importance of the First Amendment, but I do. I also understand the intent and importance of my favorite, the Second Amendment.

Many others have said this better than me, but to the FEC: Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. I will write whatever the fuck I want and you can not stop me.

Just try.
- posted by Dave @ Sunday, March 06, 2005

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